Get Involved in Martell's Cause
My name is Martell Rogers; I and many of my cohorts believe that mistakes are a prerequisite to growth. While we do not condone the behaviors of our pasts, and have worked diligently to replace old thought processes and antisocial values, we would be remiss to not see the benefit of our collective stories to the men who share our plight and the communities that are often misled by fear mongering and political agendas.
Socially, the term "inmate" or "felon" is mostly synonymous with pejorative rhetoric and is seldom met with understanding, compassion or objectivity. As a result the very element that is the source of the community's fear (recidivism), becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy due to the lack of opportunity and welcomed reintegration. Because we understand the stigmatization of those that have been convicted of crimes, we are committed to shedding light on the countering effect of positive interaction, life skills development, pro-social networks, and opportunities that lead to visible options for success; and this success largely depends on the mental and emotional state of inmates upon release. To succeed in any endeavor, you have to first believe that you can, and that requires the redevelopment of the self-image; it requires an investment into the academic and social lives of the inmates.
While we understand that there is a long road ahead to bridging the gap between the inmate populous and the community, the fact is that 95% of all inmates will be returned to their communities despite the objections of those who disagree. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us all to assess one question: would we prefer to live next to a newly released citizen who's been successfully re-socialized and equipped with the skills and resources to succeed, or an inmate who is desperate and incapable of effectively analyzing viable options that may lead to success? This is the difference between an inmate that has been offered social, academic, and resource opportunities to become a good citizen, and an inmate who has only been conditioned to be exactly that...a good inmate.
We do not strive to "convince" anyone of anything; this platform is to share ideas for solutions. The facts we present are verifiable through official documents, studies, and third party accredited professionals, and will be distinguished from opinions.
We ask that you consider the content of this site from an objective and practical perspective, and if you are so moved, to share our platform and ask others to subscribe, and/or choose any one of the listed organizations or groups in which to support or donate. Historically, individuals run from the term "donate", however, if you believe in a cause, it does not require a lot of money, just a willingness to act. In numbers, even a dollar has an impact! ​​